
The limitations of our horror opening in relation to technology available, practicality, what we can and can’t expect of our actors.

Ghost- The most important part in our opening that the ghost plays is when she screams at the end. Although our actor will be able to do the scream, she will not be able to get a distorted look like you see in most horror films. Also ghosts look very gaunt, pale however dirty and usually have rags for clothing depending on the death of the ghost. With ours we will use makeup to give a more pale and dirty look, but again likewise she won't be able to get the full ghostly appearance. With clothing actor will be wearing a white/grey top but to give it a more dramatic look we would like to add to it and change it, perhaps some stitching come undone and also make it more dirty so that it matches the skin.

Simon (Male detective)- For the scene where this actor is in the expectations we can meet because the main role is to engage in a conversation with Rosemary. However at the end we see Simon walk off and get in his car. We would like him to be able to drive off but due to his age this cannot be done, so we decided for someone to be sat in the car waiting for him so that he walks to his 'taxi'/'lift' then we will see Simon sit in the back.

Rosemary- For the role that this actor plays all they have to do is again engage in a conversation with Simon; the other detective. So there is nothing that this actor cannot do.

All the technology we need is available. The technology we will be using is a camera/video camera and a tripod. Also the facilities we need is available too. We did want to use a normal house room for the ghost scene but due to the times that the actor could do we decided to go with a room in school. For the scene that Rosemary and Simon talk we will be filming it on the promenade with them both stood near the prom wall so in the background you'll be able to see the sea. It would make the scene better if we went to film this scene when the tide was hide so the crashing of the waves would make it more tense but due to the times people could film we have to do it when they can.
For all of the characters we can't expect them to be 5* actors due to them not doing anything like this before, however because of 3 years of doing acting in secondary school they have an idea of what will be expected. We do have a script for them to follow but due to not learning them they could be some mistakes, but we will just keep doing re takes until the lines are correct.


Audience feedback on some fonts (Done by partner Tai)

FeedbackThe feedback given was mostly positive with 6 out of 7 people choosing this font over the others. This is very good feedback as I now know that this font has a very good possibility of being chosen. However, not all feed back was good.

One particular person sent back which they thought were the best out of the fonts there, and she said '1 or 5', however, she also commented that 1 is too fancy and 3 is too blocky. Because of this she suggested some other fonts with added techniques which she believed to be better than the ones I have chosen. Therefore, I will conduct another survey to see which font people like, this survey will include the font people chose before, plus the fonts that this person recommended. This will hopefully give me a better understanding of the fonts people like for a psychological horror.

Some flashes for our sequence

This is a newspaper front cover telling you about the death of Esme Collins. These will be two of the flashes when the detectives are speaking.

Fonts for our sequence and audience feed back

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Different fonts for our pyschological horror opening ( Done by partner Tai)

Shot list for our sequence

Organising our Actors

Organising our actors was a really hard task due to them being available at different times. For example, the two detectives in our sequence weren't available at the same times because of their timetabled lessons and they had different free periods. It was also hard to do it out of school due to one of actors having to get a school bus home so it would be hard for them to get transport after school hours. Luckily we all had a free hour one dinner time so we managed to get the detective scene filmed. It was also hard to get out ghost scene filmed because again, we were all available at different times. When we was available we couldn't find a room to do our filming in because the room we wanted had a lesson in it. There was a day when we were all free one period and so was the room so we quickly filmed in then because it was our only opportunity.

Another problem with our characters was the costumes. It was difficult to explain what they had to wear. For example, in our ghost scene we would have preferred for or actor to wear a 'dirty', white, baggy top but because of them not owning one we had to go with grey, which still worked but the white would have fit the genre better in this scene. Again, getting the correct shot and movement from this actor was trouble  due to their confidence in front of the camera. This was because they are not an actor so they are not used to been filmed. They could have also found this scene embarrassing and they could have felt under pressure because of the other people in the room.

In our detective scene we originally wanted the superior (male detective) to wear black or dark grey trousers with smart polished black shoes. We also wanted him to wear a grey or white shirt with either a tie on or the top button left open. He also was meant to wear a winter coat with possibly a scarf. However, unfortunately he did not own a smart winter coat that would be suitable for his role, or a scarf so we decided to go with some smart blue jeans, a checked shirt with polished shoes. He still fit the conventions of a detective as he still looked smart and formal but it didn't fit the weather of the scene. We also originally wanted our female detective to wear black trousers with smart black boots. Also a white blouse with either a black or cream winter coat over it and we wanted her hair in a neat pony tail so that everything was out of her face and we wanted minimal makeup on her. For our female detective instead of black boots we went with black shoes this was because of her not owning our boots so because of this we stuck with the colour black. Again the winter coats that were available weren't the colours we needed to we decided to go with a cream blazer to keep the formality going.

So overall organising our characters in terms of costumes and filming it was a very difficult task due to the availability of the characters, location and costumes.






There is an old fashioned mirror hanging on the wall and the camera slows zooms in on it. See glimpses of a GHOST in the mirror as it zooms in.








Our team have being studying the death of ESME COLLINS.


Flash of side of the corpse’s face.

 It seems it involves some kind of supernatural curse. The body is in a position as if it has been in shock or as if something abnormal has frightened her.


Flash of the corpse’s hand

We think you'll be proficient for this case.


Flash of a news headline (Death of….)

Your experiences with other supernatural cases could help you and the circumstances of her death match with your previous cases you’ve worked with.



(Feeling apprehensive)

And what are the repercussions?



(Harsh/straight to the point)

As long as you are attentive when dealing with the case and always alert and aware of any unusual behaviour then they are none.


Flash of shards of broken glass

 You will have other colleagues working with you, however they are investigating the rest of the house, and you are investigating the victim’s room they were found in.


Flash of EMSE’S door

We will be needing photos, notes and any other evidence you can obtain. So far we are focusing on the mirror...


Flash of a broken camera on the floor



(Eager to know and sounding interrogating)

Is it possible the mirror could be a cause of the victim’s death?


Flash of smashed mirror


(Hurried to finish the conversation)

So far yes, but no decision is final. Like I said be careful and alert.


Several flashes of different parts of the corpse’s body. One after another. Fast



(To do well)

 Ok, I shall try my best and I won’t let you down



However, if you are not careful and give sufficient information in and try take this case alone, it could be another death case we would be dealing with. Get some rest ROSEMARY, this is a big ask. 8:30am, see you tomorrow.

(Walks to his lift/taxi)


(Rosemary staring out in to the sea. Crashing of the waves get louder)

Photo's of the quick flashes


Itinerary of equipment and facilities we will need.

Mirror- The ghost will be staring into this when filming the opening
Fake Blood- Flashes
White or grey top- This is what the ghost will be wearing
Detective clothing- This is what Rosemary and superior will be wearing
Video camera
TV- Flashes
Newspaper headlines- Flashes
Shards of glass- Flashes
Pale makeup- The ghost will be wearing this to give it a more gaunt look
Police tape- Flashes
Notepad- The superior will be flicking through his notes
House (School room)- This is where we are filming the mirror scene
Promenade- This is where we are filming the detectives talking
Car- The superiors taxi/lift


Costumes of the characters

Esme Collins- We decided for this character to just be wearing 'casual' clothes as it makes the scene seem more realistic because of the place she is. We decided for her to wear a grey cardigan, black leggings, and a red, black and grey scarf. Although she is her own home she is still wearing colours which suggest something bad is going to happen as they are all powerful colours.

Rosemary - For Rosemary we decided that she will be wearing black trousers with smart black boots. Also she will be wearing a white blouse with either a black or cream winter coat over it. Her hair will be in a neat pony tail so that everything is out of her face and she will have minimal makeup on. She will be wearing these as it makes her look formal and representable to show us the type of job she does and in this case she is one of the detectives.

Simon- For Simon we decided he will be wearing black or dark grey trousers with smart polished black shoes. He will also be wearing a grey or white shirt with either a tie on or the top button left open. He also will be wearing a winter coat with possibly a scarf. We also decided for Simon to be wearing smart clothes to make him look formal, however he looks more formal than Rosemary as it shows he is superior towards her because he is higher up in the job they both do.

Ghost- For the Ghost we decided she will be wearing a scruffy off colour white baggy top. Also will have a tint of black/grey and possibly some rips. She will be looking pale and have black tired eyes with a tint of blue cold lips. We decided for the Ghost to look like this as it shows perhaps had a bad life and it creates the sense of fear. Could also suggest she has been living in the mirror for a long time because of her aging dry skin but she was waiting to get Esme.