
Costumes of the characters

Esme Collins- We decided for this character to just be wearing 'casual' clothes as it makes the scene seem more realistic because of the place she is. We decided for her to wear a grey cardigan, black leggings, and a red, black and grey scarf. Although she is her own home she is still wearing colours which suggest something bad is going to happen as they are all powerful colours.

Rosemary - For Rosemary we decided that she will be wearing black trousers with smart black boots. Also she will be wearing a white blouse with either a black or cream winter coat over it. Her hair will be in a neat pony tail so that everything is out of her face and she will have minimal makeup on. She will be wearing these as it makes her look formal and representable to show us the type of job she does and in this case she is one of the detectives.

Simon- For Simon we decided he will be wearing black or dark grey trousers with smart polished black shoes. He will also be wearing a grey or white shirt with either a tie on or the top button left open. He also will be wearing a winter coat with possibly a scarf. We also decided for Simon to be wearing smart clothes to make him look formal, however he looks more formal than Rosemary as it shows he is superior towards her because he is higher up in the job they both do.

Ghost- For the Ghost we decided she will be wearing a scruffy off colour white baggy top. Also will have a tint of black/grey and possibly some rips. She will be looking pale and have black tired eyes with a tint of blue cold lips. We decided for the Ghost to look like this as it shows perhaps had a bad life and it creates the sense of fear. Could also suggest she has been living in the mirror for a long time because of her aging dry skin but she was waiting to get Esme.

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