
Organising our Actors

Organising our actors was a really hard task due to them being available at different times. For example, the two detectives in our sequence weren't available at the same times because of their timetabled lessons and they had different free periods. It was also hard to do it out of school due to one of actors having to get a school bus home so it would be hard for them to get transport after school hours. Luckily we all had a free hour one dinner time so we managed to get the detective scene filmed. It was also hard to get out ghost scene filmed because again, we were all available at different times. When we was available we couldn't find a room to do our filming in because the room we wanted had a lesson in it. There was a day when we were all free one period and so was the room so we quickly filmed in then because it was our only opportunity.

Another problem with our characters was the costumes. It was difficult to explain what they had to wear. For example, in our ghost scene we would have preferred for or actor to wear a 'dirty', white, baggy top but because of them not owning one we had to go with grey, which still worked but the white would have fit the genre better in this scene. Again, getting the correct shot and movement from this actor was trouble  due to their confidence in front of the camera. This was because they are not an actor so they are not used to been filmed. They could have also found this scene embarrassing and they could have felt under pressure because of the other people in the room.

In our detective scene we originally wanted the superior (male detective) to wear black or dark grey trousers with smart polished black shoes. We also wanted him to wear a grey or white shirt with either a tie on or the top button left open. He also was meant to wear a winter coat with possibly a scarf. However, unfortunately he did not own a smart winter coat that would be suitable for his role, or a scarf so we decided to go with some smart blue jeans, a checked shirt with polished shoes. He still fit the conventions of a detective as he still looked smart and formal but it didn't fit the weather of the scene. We also originally wanted our female detective to wear black trousers with smart black boots. Also a white blouse with either a black or cream winter coat over it and we wanted her hair in a neat pony tail so that everything was out of her face and we wanted minimal makeup on her. For our female detective instead of black boots we went with black shoes this was because of her not owning our boots so because of this we stuck with the colour black. Again the winter coats that were available weren't the colours we needed to we decided to go with a cream blazer to keep the formality going.

So overall organising our characters in terms of costumes and filming it was a very difficult task due to the availability of the characters, location and costumes.

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