
Film Openings: Enigma Codes, Iconography and Narrative Split (Research done by partner Tai)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

This scene represents death and destruction as a person has been melted by fire. This enhances the effect of its genre (thriller) as within these types of movies there is usually death. This allows the viewer to guess the events of the film, just by one picture.

Enigma Codes
This scene of the opening credits shows a phoenix/dragon type creature emerging from this black liquid. Apart from the title of the movie, we have no clue what the relevance of the creature, and why it is important enough to be involved In the opening credits. What relevance does it have? Does it have a deeper meaning? Who is it linked to? Why show us the creature in the opening scenes? All of these questions entice
the viewer to watch the film.

Narrative split
The narrative split of this progression is syuzhet. This means there is no order to the opening scene and it is randomised. This keeps the mystery to the film and makes people want to watch more of the film.

The Shining

This scene from the opening credits shows the isolation and terrain the film will be set in. This establishing shot shows that if something were to happen to the people in this house, there would be no chance of help getting to them. It also shows the amount of people gathering at this house which tells the viewers that we will see many people in this movie, both good and bad. This entices the viewer to watch more.
Enigma CodesWho is it that we are following? Where are they heading? Why are they so important that we are following them? Are they the main characters? What has led them to drive through mountains?

Narrative Split
The opening credits start with an establishing shot, showing us the scenery and where the film is set. It then proceeds to show us a yellow car, which we follow. Finally it shows us the large, isolated house below an icy mountain. This means the progression of scenes means its fabula, which means it is all in chronological order. This also rises suspicion about the film as we do not know why the house is isolated and why people are gathering there. This rise of suspicion makes the viewer ask more questions which can only be answered by watching more of the film.


The first setting of this film shows a space ship flying through space. This instantly tells people that the film is a sci-fi as spaceships are rarely used in anything else. This gives the viewer an idea of the type of film they are about to watch. Also, the way the ship seems of a 'low standard' and it looks like its alone, gives us an understanding of the type of people that are aboard the ship. This is because we generally connote rebels or outlanders to this type of ship.

Enigma Codes
Who are these people? What do they do? What year is this? Where are they going? What do they do?

Narrative Split
The opening scene is an establishing shot of where the characters are located. This is of a ship flying through space. Then it shows the ship crashing into a planet, this gives the film action which entices the viewer to watch more. It then goes on to the front of the ship which shows us some of the characters that will be starring in the film. They then go on to talk and the clip ends. This means the progression is fabula as there are no flashbacks. This keeps the story of the film a mystery as all we know is that they are people in a space ship. This gives the viewer the setting of the film yet keeps them watching the film as the plot isn't ruined.


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