
Preliminary Task

When creating this short sequence I didn't stick to the full idea which was on my story board. This was because I choose to work in a small group with Tai Rowntree so we decided to incorporate our ideas together. We also changed it slightly because the original idea was for two agents to engage in a conversation about a mission/challenge but because of the lack of props and facilities we did it where a student goes and speaks to his teacher about their work. This made more sense to do because we was filming it in a school so it was more appropriate. 
As you can see we included an eye line match, which was a short clip of the teacher looking at something then the next clip was what the teacher was looking at. Then we also stuck to the 180 degree rule which is clearly proven. 
We had a few problems editing because of the difficulties we had with the computers and the softwares on them and it was very hard to editing the film because the computers were running very slow and had no storage So in the end we used a hard drive and edited it on there meaning it was a lot more faster.
Overall it was very successful and we managed to finish everything


Story board for my preliminary task

I choose to do 'create a short film sequence' task. The idea of this was to include somebody walking in to a room, engaging in a conversation with somebody else in the room and then the person walks out the room again. It had to include an eye line match, this is where you film somebody looking at something in one shot, then in the next shot it's a film of what they were looking at. You also had to use the 180 degree rule. This is where the character in the scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another.

To do this I decided to make a story board of my ideas. This made it easier and more understandable as I could annotate all over the work and I could draw cameras where I wanted certain shots to be, I could then label the camera with the specific shot I want or how long I wanted to film it for. I could also write the way I cut the film and where the 180 degree line was etc...